Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Life In 10 Pictures

I had found this picture on Deviant Art a while back and absolutely loved it (it was even my desktop picture for a while). I can proudly say that I either know or recognize the majority of these characters, as I watched a lot of cartoons as a little kid, and still a little to this day. I remember hurrying home after school to get to watch the shows that were on at 3, and waking up early Saturday morning to catch my favorite shows. I'm probably still a kid at heart, because if I see a show I used to watch, I'll most likely turn to that channel.

I absolutely love colors, as this picture clearly represents. As an artist, I love mixing them, matching them together, or just playing around with them. It maybe the reason why I like to paint, as I can manipulate colors on whim. This picture also represents my love of art in general; as I stated before, I like to paint, but also draw, do crafts, and any other artsy things. Personally, I actually really want to try this type of craft in the picture and finally figured out how to do it! I find them quite entertaining, and I'll probably have a lot of fun with the different color crayons.

This is a picture that I took of Maroon Bells, right outside of Aspen, Colorado; it's well known for being the most photographed spot on Colorado, as the scenery is very photogenic. This picture stands for my love of the outdoors and nature, and also of taking pictures. As a Coloradan, I like to hike, go out on walks, and just being outside in general, whether its relaxing in the sun or doing fun activities. I also like taking pictures as a hobby, no matter where I go, I always carry my camera with me; you never know when you'll need one! I really enjoy capturing the moment, from sunsets and the scenery in my backyard, to vacations and when I'm out with my friends.

This is (one of) the many bookshelves in Powell's City of Books in downtown Portland, Oregon. The store takes up an entire block of the city, has about 5 floors, and is the biggest book store in the world based on shelf space. I enjoy reading books, as long as they catch my interest (once they lose it, it's hard for me to continue reading unless I'm forced to read it). My favorite genres are fantasy-adventure, like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson and the Olympians, I also like to read manga (Japanese graphic novels). I was in manga heaven when I came to the store, and this picture only shows one isle of it.

Gabby Douglas doing her amazing bar routine! As a gymnast, I admire Gabby a lot, being the first women gymnast of African to win gold in All-Around, and also just being super cute and amazing at what she does. During the first few days of the 2012 Olympics, I was at gymnastics camp in Vail, and every night they were showing women's gymnastics, the team would get together and watch all the amazing gymnasts. Although I'm nowhere near Gabby's level, I enjoy doing gymnastics a lot, and bars just so happens to be my favorite event!

"Techies" is a reference to theater people that do the technical aspects of plays, or everything that happens backstage. I'm a part of the theater group (thespians) at my school, and enjoy it so much that I'm planning to continue doing it in college. Though I act in some smaller shows, I love being in set tech, where we build most of the set pieces and also get to paint them. I started doing theater my Sophomore year in high school, and I'm very glad I made this decision; the people in theater at my school are like my second family.

This is my home country, Eritrea, with the background being the country's flag. Eritrea is in the horn of Africa (Eastern), by Sudan and Ethiopia, and of the coast of the Red Sea. I am in the first generation of my family to live in America (my parents moved hear about 30 years ago), so the Eritrean culture is very apparent in my household. Sadly, I'm the only member in my family that has never been to Eritrea (though my older brother was only 2 when he went). I also understand very little of the language, Tigrinya and can't read it, though I can write my name! I'm hoping sometime in the near future my dad will start teaching me :)

The postcards in this picture represent how I really like to travel (though I sadly haven't been to many places) and also how I like to collect things; recently I started collecting postcards of different places I've been too. I have been on a lot of road trips though, I have gone to many national parks and camping with my family: The Great Sand Dunes, The Grand Canyon, Yellow Stone, to name a few. I've also gone on other road trips, like to Mo'ab, Utah, and North Dakota. I've also flown to different states and Canada, and taken a ferry to the Bahamas. I'm hoping that I'll be able to go overseas to places like, France, Great Britain, and Japan sometime in the near future.

Delphi is an archaeological site in Greece. In the classical Greek world, this site was very important and sacred. I chose this particular picture because I find Ancient Greece and Rome very interesting. I think I realized how much I really loved these ancient societies from reading the Percy Jackson series, which are based on Greek mythologies, and its sequel, which fixes in Roman mythologies and cultures as well. Now, I'm inspired to study the classical societies in college.

This picture stands for my supporting personality and my second nature to help others. As a friend, I'm always there for those who need me, I will always be there to listen and be by my friends in times of need. I'm a genuinely a nice person, so I will lend a helping hand to those who need it. I'm also a very positive person, so whenever someone is down-in-the-dumps, I like to pull them back up and brighten the mood with some optimism!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

6 Word Memoir

Open up and see what's inside

There are no coincidences, only inevitability